Contracts2.0 will work on contractual solutions which provide the right incentives to farmers and land managers to produce more environmental public goodsPublic goods are non-rival (they cannot be exhausted) and non-excludable (there are no boundaries). An environmental example in the Contracts2.0 context is an open and beautiful landscape which can be enjoyed by one person without... More (see Concept note_1), but also allow them to reconcile the profitability of their farms with environmental objectives. This is even more important, as many farmers are currently struggling to maintain the economic viability of their farms, facing serious trade-offs between short-term profitability and sustainable production. To reduce these trade-offs, improved contract-based approaches are needed which provide additional public and private incentives to produce a mix of private and public goodsGoods where access to the good cannot be restricted and where use by one individual does not reduce availability to others. See also: Environmental Public Goods More that better reflects society’s preferences.
The main objective of Contracts2.0 is to develop novel contract-based approaches to incentivise farmers for the increased provision of environmental public goodsPublic goods are non-rival (they cannot be exhausted) and non-excludable (there are no boundaries). An environmental example in the Contracts2.0 context is an open and beautiful landscape which can be enjoyed by one person without... More along with private goodsare the objects from ecosystems that people value through experience, use or consumption, whether that value is expressed in economic, social or personal terms. Note that the use of this term here goes well beyond a narrow definit... More.
Newly developed contract-based approaches should be environmentally effective, economically viable for farmers and support the longevity of contractual arrangements.
Contracts2.0 will investigate the following contract-based approaches:
Results-based and collective agri-environmental schemes
Results-based paymentsare an approach where farmers and land managers are paid for delivering environmental outcomes, for example for enhancing the presence of important grassland species. In these schemes, farmers determine the management required to ... More are directly linked to the environmental outcome. Environmental indicators e.g. the presence of grassland species as well as modelling approaches can be used to describe these outputs. In these schemes, farmers determine the management required to achieve the desired result, rather than following prescribed management actions. This provides farmers with a higher flexibility regarding management decisions compared to a practice-based approachis an approach where the farmer follows prescribed management actions to achieve the wider goals of an agri-environment scheme. The focus is on the practice (e.g. cut grassland not before certain date) and not the result (e.g. num... More. The self-interest and intrinsic motivation of farmers to perform well are likely to increase effectiveness and possibly efficiency. Contracts2.0 will work to tackle the challenges of these approaches such as:
- A fair distribution of risk for failing to achieve the results.
- Development of appropriate indicators and quantification methods considering questions of acceptance and transaction costs (see concept note_6).
Our action partner Natural England is one of the pioneers of putting this approach into practice. Natural England carries out a pilot study on results-based agri-environmental Payment Schemes (RBAPS) for grassland and arable land to test environmental performance and farmers’ acceptance. Furthermore, our action supporter from the Irish Burren Programme is experienced in results-based grassland schemes.
Collective implementations (or coordinated individual contracts) are an approach to target the appropriate ecological spatial scale, reduce transaction costs, increase technical capabilities (economies of scale) and improve knowledge sharing among participants. Rather than on a single farm scale agri-environment-climate measures (AECM)are a funding mechanism aiming to provide financial support to farmers to contribute to the protection or enhancement of biodiversity, soil, water, landscape, or air quality, or climate change mitigation or adaptation. A bundle of... More could be implemented on landscape-scale areas by joining up the plots of several farmers (to provide “linking/corridors” type features like hedges or woodland).
Contracts2.0 will facilitate the development of collaborationPeople working jointly towards a common goal, involving regular interaction among the collaborating individuals. May also apply to organisations. Belongs to the range of collective approaches. Synonym: Cooperation More between different actors, not only farmers and land managers but also other stakeholders (e.g. environmental experts). Different collective contracts as well as cooperationSee collaboration. More models will be improved, developed and in some cases tested (see Concept note_4).
Our action partners from BoerenNatuur are pioneers of putting this approach into practice. BoerenNatuur.nl facilitates the implementation of collaborative agri-environmental schemes (AES)usually comprise several agri-environment-climate measures (AECM). Synonym: Agri-environment-climate schemes See also: Agri-environment-climate measures (AECM), Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) More of the 40 private farmer collectives in the Netherlands.
Land tenure-based approaches
Land tenure-based systems, such as land useThe human use of a piece of land for a certain purpose such as irrigated agriculture or recreation. Influenced by, but not synonymous with, land cover (OpenNESS glossary, 2016). See also: Land cover More obligations in combination with reduced rent, land useThe human use of a piece of land for a certain purpose such as irrigated agriculture or recreation. Influenced by, but not synonymous with, land cover (OpenNESS glossary, 2016). See also: Land cover More rights combined with specific land stewardship obligations, are an approach specifically for long-term nature conservation objectives. Furthermore, land tenureLand tenure is an institution, i.e., rules invented by societies to regulate behaviour. Rules of tenure define how property rights to land are to be allocated within societies. They define how access is granted to rights to use, c... More rights define an important framework condition for all other contract-based approaches. Different types of land tenureLand tenure is an institution, i.e., rules invented by societies to regulate behaviour. Rules of tenure define how property rights to land are to be allocated within societies. They define how access is granted to rights to use, c... More systems (private, public, common property and hybrid property regimes) can strengthen or constrain the necessary longevity of sustainable agricultural land useThe human use of a piece of land for a certain purpose such as irrigated agriculture or recreation. Influenced by, but not synonymous with, land cover (OpenNESS glossary, 2016). See also: Land cover More practices. On the one hand, Contracts2.0 will consider different land tenureLand tenure is an institution, i.e., rules invented by societies to regulate behaviour. Rules of tenure define how property rights to land are to be allocated within societies. They define how access is granted to rights to use, c... More systems as institutional framework conditions, and on the other hand, develop land tenureLand tenure is an institution, i.e., rules invented by societies to regulate behaviour. Rules of tenure define how property rights to land are to be allocated within societies. They define how access is granted to rights to use, c... More rights systems to govern land management on the ground. For more detailed information see Concept note_3!
Our German action partners SRK and SWK are putting such approaches into practice. They manage Biodiversity off-setting (arable and grassland) where compensationIn the sense of the polluter pays principle: Compensation of the loss of performance and functionality of the ecosystem through appropriate measures. In the sense of incentive creation: A remuneration (typically based on the conce... More measures are integrated into extensive land management.
Value chain approaches
Value chain approachesare cooperation models to valorise environmental public goods within value chains. To ensure consumer trust, companies increasingly demand greater transparency about the management and delivery of public goods on supplier farms. S... More are collaborative models to valorise environmental public goodsPublic goods are non-rival (they cannot be exhausted) and non-excludable (there are no boundaries). An environmental example in the Contracts2.0 context is an open and beautiful landscape which can be enjoyed by one person without... More within value chains and integrate the cost for environmental servicesare the services that humans render to each other to maintain or increase certain ecosystem services (Karsenty, 2013). Environmental services are a sub-group of ecosystem services that are characterised by externalities (FAO, 2007... More in the product price. To ensure consumer trust, companies increasingly demand greater transparency about the management and delivery of public goodsGoods where access to the good cannot be restricted and where use by one individual does not reduce availability to others. See also: Environmental Public Goods More on supplier farms. Some companies integrate biodiversity or climate indicators into their life cycle assessments or try to gain a competitive advantage through labelling approaches.
Our research partner LUH together with the HIPP company are pioneers in developing such approaches. They developed biodiversity indicators for assessing the performance of farmers within the value chain.