CIL Unione Comuni Garfagnana, Italy

The future of farming in CIL Limburg


The CIL Unione Comuni Garfagnana is located in a valley closed in between two mountain ranges, characterized by a geographical isolation. Due to the morphology of the same, this allows a natural conservation and richness of biodiversity and a strong cultural identity. In 2008 the initiative “Custodian Farmers” started to support farmers in cultivating local/regional plant and animal varieties to conserve the biodiversity of agricultural and food interest, guarantee the durable use of the locally adapted genetic resources and maintain the cultural identity of the territory.

Contract Type

• Agri-environment and Climate Measures

• Value Chain Approach

Contract Features

• Results-based Payments

Targeted Public Goods

„Dream Contract“ 

Custodian Farmers of Biodiversity

The dream contract aims to strengthen the protection of biodiversity in agricultural production based on results, introducing proposals for knowledge enhancement and dissemination. Increasing contractual requirements related to environmental issues (conservation of soil fertility, biodiversity, sustainable use of water resources, conservation of habitats) potentially improves the lives of local inhabitants in terms of well-being and makes the area more attractive for sustainable tourism, but would mean a higher cost for farmers. There is interest in exploring the potential to remunerate the farmers by promoting the transition from conservation to enhancement and through a value chain approach to supplement public funding and make the necessary practice more profitable for farms. 


                  Cinzia Lenzarini