CIL Madrid Region, Spain

The future of farming in CIL Limburg


Madrid region is one of the most urbanized areas in Europe and is surrounded by a belt of multifunctional landscapes and family farms.

The CIL is focused both on periurban and rural farming at the countryside and fertile plains of Madrid, being an area characterised by Mediterranean herbaceous crops with cereals, olive groves, vineyards and horticultural production in the river meadows.

Its most important study case is in the Agrarian Park of Fuenlabrada.

Contract Type

• Agri-environment and Climate Measures

• Land Tenure

Contract Features

• Collective Implementation

• Results- & action-based Payments

Targeted Public Goods

„Dream Contract“

The dream contract is the result of the combination of a land tenure contract and agri-environment and climate measures with a collective approach. The contract will be mediated by land stewardship entities and  will feature a combination of action & results based payments.. It is  focused on small scale horticultural farmers in the south area of Madrid region. Collective management of the land  is based on commitments to adopt certain agro-environmental practices with the main goal of solving the following environmental challenges from Madrid:

  • habitat and biodiversity conservation in agricultural landscapes,
  • improve soil quality and fertility,
  • preserve quality of multifunctional agricultural landscapes


Inés Gutiérrez Briceño

Marina G. Llorente

Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, UAM Logo. It is a partner of the project contracts2.0.