CIL Flanders, Belgium

Flanders is a very urbanized region due to a high population density. Farming comprises 45% of the land area. Of this area, fodder crops (pastures, maize) and cereals account for the largest share. Agriculture and horticulture traditionally have a “family business” character, but are increasingly characterized by scaling up, specialization, innovation and expansion.
Contract Type
Payments for Ecosystem Services / Agri-environment & Climate Measures
Contract Features
- Collective Approach
- Results & action-based Payments
Targeted Public Goods

Potential Contract Solution #1 „Dream Contract“
Gulpdal (Voeren)
The dream contract is not fully developed yet but will continue to develop over the duration of the project. The dream contract aims at:
- preservation of aesthetic landscape values,
- biodiversity conservation;
- mitigation and adaptation of climate change by improving carbon storage and reducing the impact of extreme weather effects (drought, flooding, erosion).
Contract Type
Payments for Ecosystem Services / Agri-environment & Climate Measures
Contract Features
- Results-based Payments
- (partly) Action-based Payments
Targeted Public Goods

Potential Contract Solution #1 „Dream Contract“
The aim of this contract to improve climate change mitigation and adaptation by incentivizing carbon sequestrating measures on farms, while enhancing other ecosystem services such as food production, soil and water conservation, biodiversity and landscape quality.
- Incorporation of organic matter in the soil (plant residues, wood chips, stable manure, compost).
- Extending crop rotation.
- Sowing of cover crops, alfalfa, etc.
- Grass-herb strips.
- Planting of wood trees, hedges.

Visit CILs:
• CIL North West England, UK
• CIL Limburg, The Netherlands
• CIL Flanders, Belgium
• CIL Hautes-Pyrénées, France
• CIL Madrid Region, Spain
• CIL North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
• CIL Bornholm, Denmark
• CIL AgoraNatura, Germany
• CIL HiPP, Germany
• CIL Őrség National Park, Hungary
• CIL Unione Comuni Garfagnana, Italy

Visit CILs:
• CIL North West England, UK
• CIL Limburg, The Netherlands
• CIL Flanders, Belgium
• CIL Hautes-Pyrénées, France
• CIL Madrid Region, Spain
• CIL North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
• CIL Bornholm, Denmark
• CIL AgoraNatura, Germany
• CIL HiPP, Germany
• CIL Őrség National Park, Hungary
• CIL Unione Comuni Garfagnana, Italy