Visit CILs:
• CIL North West England, UK
• CIL Limburg, The Netherlands
• CIL Flanders, Belgium
• CIL Hautes-Pyrénées, France
• CIL Madrid Region, Spain
• CIL North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
• CIL Bornholm, Denmark
• CIL AgoraNatura, Germany
• CIL HiPP, Germany
• CIL Őrség National Park, Hungary
• CIL Unione Comuni Garfagnana, Italy

Visit CILs:
• CIL North West England, UK
• CIL Limburg, The Netherlands
• CIL Flanders, Belgium
• CIL Hautes-Pyrénées, France
• CIL Madrid Region, Spain
• CIL North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
• CIL Bornholm, Denmark
• CIL AgoraNatura, Germany
• CIL HiPP, Germany
• CIL Őrség National Park, Hungary
• CIL Unione Comuni Garfagnana, Italy
Contracta formal, written agreement for a specified duration signed by (at least) two parties. In Contracts2.0, we acknowledge the existence of informal contracts but use formal contracts to focus the research. More Innovation Labs (CILs) focus on the development of novel contractual models. CILs are an important instrument within Contracts2.0 to mobilize practitioner expertise and integrate research results into the social innovation process. CILs will be a space of dialogue and action which will stimulate social learning and creativity. The CILs will be established in each of the involved case study countries and will bring together farmers, farmers’ organizations, extension service providers, trainers, agro-ecological agents, environmental NGOs, companies, local development groups, public administrations, etc. Each CIL will address stakeholders’ specific real-life needs, following the principles of ‘living labs’: offering open and inclusive spaces, participation and cooperationSee collaboration. More, and reflective social learning through a collaborative multi-actor approach. CILs are interested in further development of contracts between private, public and civil society actors to support the provision of public environmental goodsare the objects from ecosystems that people value through experience, use or consumption, whether that value is expressed in economic, social or personal terms. Note that the use of this term here goes well beyond a narrow definit... More.